
The monitoring system within the Platform contains 100's of measuring points (CPU usage, RAM usage, TCP connections, last backup time, MySQL performance, response time of the application, SSL certificate expiry date, ...) with which the servers, services and applications are monitored. Depending on the measuring point, these are checked at time intervals and stored within the monitoring system.

The monitoring system works with warning and critical levels, so that increased or anomalous values can possibly be detected before they lead to downtime.If the monitoring system detects an abnormal value, an alert is sent out via multiple channels, notifying Dropsolid's infrastructure team.

The infrastructure takes the necessary actions to resolve the problem, according to the applicable SLA. The infrastructure team also does the necessary communication through the agreed channels if downtime occurs. If an incident occurs or the monitoring system notices an incident, we put our incident flow into action (see managed services appendix).

Monitoring is done from multiple geographically independent locations and by different teams to guarantee 24/7 coverage for monitoring and incident follow-up.