Extra capabilities¶
VPN tunnel¶
The hosting infrastructure can also be connected to the client's managed network or services via an IPSec VPN tunnel (normal or redundant/HA mode).
This may be necessary to exchange data with existing external services that are currently not provided to be opened directly over public internet.
These tunnels are directly connected to the Platform network set up for the client so that data can be exchanged in a secure and efficient way.
Mail service¶
If you require a more advanced setup with DKIM and DMARC authentication and validation or need to send larger volumes, but don't want to configure and maintain it yourself, then then dedicated mail service of the Dropsolid Experience Platform can help you.
This service provides:
- Fully managed and maintained by Dropsolid
- Dedicated IP address only used for your application(s) and domain(s)
- DKIM and DMARC validation of the domain names of your application
- 30 days retention of mail logs
The hosting infrastructure can also be connected to the CDN / DDOS provider Fastly.
By using Fastly we can offer an additional performant caching layer, combined with advanced (D)DOS protection.
Fastly allows us to have a very efficient layer for caching data and its invalidation (e.g. tag based invalidation, fully compatible with Drupal) and network traffic / stampede protection (vb. Request Collapsing).
Next to that, there are also in-depth services that can be used with their next-gen WAF to also detect and mitigate advanced Layer 7 attacks.
Within our Professional tier, we foresee the option1 to host your application in a fully redundant way.
This means that there are at least 2 underlying components for each component (2 proxy servers, 2 web servers, ...).
Specifically, this means that no physical or logical component of the proposed solution should be a single point of failure.
These components of a component are also located in different zones ( = a separate data center, e.g. server 1 is in zone A, server 2 is in zone B) so a complete zone is allowed to fail without complete downtime (though possibly a load impact and slower application). This way, we can avoid the website being unavailable for a long time due to a technical failure, cyber attack, ...
In addition, this also entails the following features:
- A higher SLA can be offered on the infrastructure and application.
- planned maintenance at infrastructure level can almost always take place without complete downtime of the application.
- temporary scaling up or down of the infrastructure can therefore take place without complete application downtime.
This is the default mode in our Enterprise tier. ↩